Commitment to Gender Diversity | LDN Finance

Women In Finance Charter

In May 2019, we hosted a Women in Finance Charter Briefing and signed the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter, pledging to ensure gender diversity exists within our leadership team.

As a signatory, we are fully committed to creating a more balanced and fair industry and to engage with other financial service firms to support the progression of women in senior roles. Signing the declaration and committing to 4 topics;

  1. Senior executive accountable for gender diversity
  2. Gender diversity targets in senior management
  3. Senior executive pay linked to gender diversity targets
  4. Publish progress annually against these targets.

Our commitment

As a growing business, we believe in working with people of different backgrounds, cultures and thinking styles to build our understanding and knowledge. A part of this is fostering equality and opportunity for everybody, regardless of gender.

As of May 2019, we were proud to say that we had 50% representation of women in our senior management team. The target for January 2022 was to hold this percentage of equal representation as we continue to grow. We’re delighted to have delivered on that objective, with 63% of females holding positions in senior management (as of Sept 22). LDN Finance plan to maintain or improve this target for 2023.

We look to achieve this by focusing on our recruitment and training; implementing ‘Gender Equality Training’ with our senior management team and management staff to manage unconscious bias, committing to having a fair representation of women on our interview panels when hiring into our management team and implement an annual presentation for the entire office to hear from an external female in a senior management position within financial services for motivation and understanding.

We will also be reviewing our company’s flexible work policies to better support working parents and actively support industry events and engage with networks supporting the same initiative e.g. ‘She’s On The Money’ events & Women in Finance Awards.
